Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Richmond Junior Circuit Masters Tournament Held Aug. 21

On August 21, The Country Club of Virginia hosted the Richmond Junior Circuit Masters Tournament.

The Masters tournament is for the top 8 players in the RJTC standings in each age group. Players competed throughout the summer in 10 tournaments and received points for each match that they played.

At the end of the series, the top 8 players were invited to compete for the Masters Championship.

Congratulations go out to the players listed below for qualifying for the tournament as well as the winners of the Masters Tournament! Way to go!

Boys 8
Alaister Burke
Michael Zuccaro
Hatcher Butterworth
Harrison Janney
Jacob Kalman
Christopher Shiflett
Link Hammerschmidt
Sachin Sanjay
Winner Alaister Burke

Boys 10
Nathan Zhao
Dorsey Ducharme
Andrew Partington
Spencer Whitaker
William Hobbs
Alston Hackney
Joshua Kalman
Shaan Kapadia
Winner Dorsey Ducharme

Girls 10
Jessica Wills
Claire Davis
Casey Carnohan
Kendall Cray
Anna Soffin
Katie Bauduc
Reilly Phelps
Winner Jessica Wills

Boys 12
Grant Sarver
Michael Wagner
Jacob Stern
Joseph Brown
Wil Venitz
Ben Manspile
Andrew Carey
Daniel Hennig
Winner Grant Sarver

Girls 12
Anne Miller
Rachel Partington
Caroline Hare
Anna Ransone
Madeleine Burke
Erin Farleigh
Winner Erin Farleigh

Boys 14
Patrick Reagan
Andrew Reed
Logan Healy
Grant Rabalais
Parker Allen
Jeremy Price
Michael Darr
Nicholas Grandpre
Winner Patrick Reagan

Girls 14
Ellie White
Olivia Wilson
Lilly Ellick
Elizabeth Dudley
Allyson Kearns
Eleanor Manspile
Jordan McFee
Kara Adams
Winner Lilly Ellick

See photos